Friday 19 October 2012

Thursdays Thoughts (on Friday)

Hmmm... talking about Thursday on Friday, odd but not an unusual occurence for me. I often don't get to even read the Sunday paper until Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm happy that my food for the day turned out so well, because the rest of the day was a bit of a mess. I had plenty of time in the morning to get ready for work and the boys ready for school, but I still ended up feeling like I was running around like a loon to be ready in time. After work and the evening were big old pile of mess, with tantrums being thrown all over the place (and not just by the kids).

 I had such a delicious smoothie for breakfast yesterday and an even yummier morning tea that I needed to share some photos of them.

These are the raw materials -
  • banana
  • strawberries
  • baby spinach leaves (torn)
  • cinnamon
  • cocoa nibs
  • cocoa
  • pot set natural yoghurt
  • almond milk and last but not least....
  • ice cubes

And here is the finished product -

This kept me full for about 4 hours, which for me is a big deal because it doesn't seem to matter what I have for breakfast, I'm always hungry a couple of hours or so later.

Morning tea wasn't soo filling, but oh so yummy. I've discovered the most amazing gluten free, grain free granola recipe that has to be one of the best things I've tasted for ages (you can find it here -Detoxinista Grain Free Granola). I have to restrain myself from eating the whole lot in one sitting. This is a yummy way of having a small amount but not feeling cheated by only having a little bit of food.

I put a couple of big blobs (very technical term, I know) of natural yoghurt in a bowl, add a drop of maple syrup and then top with a couple of tablespoons of the granola. Heaven in a bowl!!!

This was followed by some finely chopped fruit salad. I love the fruit chopped into such small pieces. I don't have the patience to do it, but luckily my Mum does, so I always get her to make extra for me.

I didn't get round to taking a lunch photo because by this stage I was running late for work, but it was a big tuna salad, with home grown mung bean and alfalfa sprouts.

Dinner, well lets just say dinner wasn't anywhere near as clean as lunch or breakfast but it was still tasty. Dessert was choco-cado pudding, which was divine!!!!! As well as being sugar, dairy and gluten free! It didn't last long enough to take photos of though  :-).

As for today, my food as been pretty good, bt the weather here today is affecting my mood. It's one of those days that are warm, but cloudy, then sunny and cold and now it's humid and threatening to rain, but it's still warm. The air is heavy and oppressive, like it's waiting for something. If it is, I just wish it woule get it over with! Saying that, the weather has been lovely and Springy lately and there's more of the same on the way.

Off to my eldest son's first basketball game now, he's so excited that he ended up getting his clothes out ready for it on Wednesday!

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